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Build Campaigns
Manage Contacts
Design Emails
Business Dashboard
Web Creators
Help Center
Contact Us
Early Access
Help Center
Get Started
What is Send?
Install and Activate Send
Get started with Send
Set up a number for SMS campaigns
Sending emails from a custom domain
Data Analysis
Explore the Overview dashboard
Grow Your Audience
Subscribe and unsubscribe contacts
Add new contacts
Delete a contact
Create mailing lists
Add contacts to a list
Remove a contact from a list
Edit a list
Add contacts using forms
What is a campaign?
Create a campaign using a template
Create a campaign from scratch
Pause and restart a campaign
Set a trigger condition
Email Templates
Explore the email editor
Create an email for your campaign
Name and save an email
Email visual editor basics
Add columns and rows to your email
Get Started
What is Send?
Install and Activate Send
Get started with Send
Set up a number for SMS campaigns
Sending emails from a custom domain
Data Analysis
Explore the Overview dashboard
Grow Your Audience
Subscribe and unsubscribe contacts
Add new contacts
Delete a contact
Create mailing lists
Add contacts to a list
Remove a contact from a list
Edit a list
Add contacts using forms
What is a campaign?
Create a campaign using a template
Create a campaign from scratch
Pause and restart a campaign
Set a trigger condition
Email Templates
Explore the email editor
Create an email for your campaign
Name and save an email
Email visual editor basics
Add columns and rows to your email
Get Started
What is Send?
Install and Activate Send
Get started with Send
Set up a number for SMS campaigns
Sending emails from a custom domain