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Edit a list

Last Update: November 17, 2024

After you create a list, you still have the opportunity to change the list name and its tags. 

Edit a list

To edit a list

  1. From WP Admin, navigate to Send.
    Edit a list 1 In panel click Send
    This opens Send.
    Edit a list 3 Select Audience tab
  2. On the Send panel, open the Audience field. 
    Edit a list 5 Edit a list
  3. Click Lists.
    Edit a list 7 Click the ellipses
  4. Click the ellipses to the right of the list you want to edit.
    Edit a list 9 Select Configure list
  5. Select Configure list from the dropdown menu.
    Edit a list 11 Edit the name and tag 3

The list name and tags appear in the right panel.

  1. Edit the list name and/or the tags.
    Edit a list 13 Click update 1
  2. Click Update.
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